But the required git config command that sets up a username and email address typically employs a –global switch, which tends to have Git beginners start to ponder about alternate scopes and asking questions about where all of these Windows git configuration files are saved.

github - How to configure Git user name and email? - Ask git config --global user.email "bob@bob-smith-industries.net" git config --global user.name "Bob Smith" As to what to put here specifically, that's up to you. Keep in mind, however, where the git project resides. Git - First-Time Git Setup If you want to check your configuration settings, you can use the git config --list command to list all the settings Git can find at that point: $ git config --list user.name=John Doe user.email=johndoe@example.com color.status=auto color.branch=auto color.interactive=auto color.diff=auto

Git Config Command Tutorial – with Username, Password

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe" $ git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com 再次强调,如果使用了 --global 选项,那么该命令只需要运行一次,因为之后无论你在该系统上做任何事情, Git 都会使用那些信息。 The next place Git looks is the ~/.gitconfig (or ~/.config/git/config) file, which is specific to each user. You can make Git read and write to this file by passing the --global option. Finally, Git looks for configuration values in the configuration file in the Git directory ( .git/config ) of whatever repository you’re currently using. Jan 04, 2019 · If the email address set on your git configuration file matches the email address set on your Bitbucket Server user profile, and the SQL command mentioned on the 'Diagnosis' step returns more than 1 result: From the output of the SQL command, take note of the username(s) which are associated to your email address.

Considering what @Robert said, I tried to play around with the config command and it seems that there is a direct way to know both the name and email. To know the username, type: git config user.name To know the email, type: git config user.email These two output just the name and email respectively and one doesn't need to look through the

The next place Git looks is the ~/.gitconfig (or ~/.config/git/config) file, which is specific to each user. You can make Git read and write to this file by passing the --global option. Finally, Git looks for configuration values in the configuration file in the Git directory ( .git/config ) of whatever repository you’re currently using. Jan 04, 2019 · If the email address set on your git configuration file matches the email address set on your Bitbucket Server user profile, and the SQL command mentioned on the 'Diagnosis' step returns more than 1 result: From the output of the SQL command, take note of the username(s) which are associated to your email address. Git config file setup. To set up your Git config file, open a command line for the distribution you're working in and set your name with this command (replacing "Your Name" with your Git username): `git config --global user.name "Your Name"` Set your email with this command (replacing "youremail@domain.com" with the email you use on your Git Aug 10, 2013 · Instead – starting with Git 2.8 – you can run the following from the command line to get a per-repo email configured: # Require setting user.name and email per-repo: $ git config --global user.useConfigOnly true # Remove email address from global config: $ git config --global --unset-all user.email. From GitHub’s blog post on the 2.8 release: Mar 08, 2019 · Both git config user.name and git config --global user.name show the correct username in the source code directory. However when I commit using Visual Studio Code it has my computer-username and not the git username. It does not prompt me for my git username nor does it show any message related to the username. Apr 23, 2020 · Let’s examine each of these show your git username basics: #1 – Use the command, git config -get [user.name | user.email] git config user.name. This returns. Christian Screen. And if you enter git config user.email from the terminal from anywhere with your git initiated directory such as. git config user.email. this will return. cscreen Jan 03, 2016 · Setup Git: Main Tips. The first thing you should do after Git installation is to create Git login by setting values for your Git config username and email.; The personal details you will enter to the system will be used in revising the information you change - Git uses it for commits.