c - Where does linux store my syslog? - Stack Overflow
Enable Syslog under the Services tab. If you wish to send logs to a remote system, enter the IP address of that machine which is also running a syslog utility (it needs an open network socket in order to accept logs being sent by the router). To log firewall events, go to the Security tab and enable the appropriate options under Log Management. Logging with DD-WRT 5. Enable Syslog on the Services tab 6. Paste the url from step 3 into the Remote Server field for Syslog 7. Apply changes, and your router will begin sending logs to the Papertrail website Remote logging with Logentries Logentries is an easy-to-use, self-hosted log management and analytics service for teams of all sizes. Displaying logs in How to retrieve logs in DD-WRT? – IPVanish
send it to a syslog server on a other machine nice idea, i think i know that but i dont know how to do it. 13 x IXP, 6 x RB532, 16 x Broadcom, 4 x NS, 4 x PS, many TP-Link
Grok filter patterns for syslog - Logstash - Discuss the Mar 07, 2016 OpenWrt Project: syslog-ng Configuration is controlled by /etc/syslog-ng.conf The default configuration logs to /var/log/messages.. Below is a sample configuration for logging to a remote server via TCP (extended from default config file): ##### # OpenWrt syslog-ng.conf specific file # which collects all local logs into a single file called /var/log/messages.
Configuration is controlled by /etc/syslog-ng.conf The default configuration logs to /var/log/messages.. Below is a sample configuration for logging to a remote server via TCP (extended from default config file): ##### # OpenWrt syslog-ng.conf specific file # which collects all local logs into a single file called /var/log/messages.
OpenWrt Project: syslog-ng Configuration is controlled by /etc/syslog-ng.conf The default configuration logs to /var/log/messages.. Below is a sample configuration for logging to a remote server via TCP (extended from default config file): ##### # OpenWrt syslog-ng.conf specific file # which collects all local logs into a single file called /var/log/messages. Use a Synology NAS to Syslog All The Things - Wahl Network